Ellume 360

Refund policy

A fair refund policy.

If you are not satisfied with Ellume 360 software from Ellume Solar contact us within 30 days of your purchase to receive a refund. Refunds requested more than 30 days after your initial purchase date will not be issued unless the transaction was subject to a fraudulent purchase.. Examples of full refunds we’d grant.

If you were just charged for your next renewal of service but you meant to cancel, we’re happy to refund that extra charge.

If you forgot to cancel your account a couple of months ago and you haven’t used it since then, we’ll give you a full refund for a few back months. No problem.

If you tried our software and hardware for three months and you just weren’t happy with it, you can have your money back. A small restocking fee is applicable to the hardware. Examples of partial refunds or credits we’d grant.

If you upgraded your account a few months ago to a higher plan and kept using it in general but you didn’t end up using the extra features, we’d consider applying a prorated credit towards future months.

If we had extended downtime (multiple hours in a day, or multiple days in a month) or you emailed customer service and it took multiple days to get back to you, we’d issue a partial credit to your account.

Get in touch
At the end of the day, nearly everything on the edges comes down to a case-by-case basis. Send us a note, tell us what’s up, and we’ll work with you to make sure you’re happy. *This policy applies to any product and service created and owned by Ellume Solar. That includes Ellume Gateway and Ellume360 software (any version Basic, Business or Enterprise).